Items we sell

General General scrapLumber and Wood, Sheet Iron, Textiles, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans
Electronics General scrapDesktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Monitors, Satellite TV,Used Televisions

Items we buy

General General scrapPassenger Cars, Used Auto parts, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans
Electronics General scrapDesktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Monitors, Satellite TV,Used Televisions, Video Cameras

Basia Traders

Basia Traders no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Abdul Basia
Ahmadshahi Market
Afghanistan Afghanistan
Phone : +93-788-300787

We deal and buy for customers used computer, auto parts, bicycles and motor bikes for almost all Afghanistan for about 8 years.

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