Items we sell

Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs, Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers,Plastic Machine Parts, Plastic Poly Bags
Electronics General scrapCD and DVD, Desktop Computers, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Laptop Computers, Modems, Monitors, Pagers, Palm Tops, Printers, Remote Control, Satellite TV,Scanners, Single Line Phones, Used Televisions, VCR, Video Cameras, Walkie Talkie

Items we buy

Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs, Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers,Plastic Machine Parts, Plastic Poly Bags
Electronics General scrapCD and DVD, Cellular Phones, Desktop Computers, Keyboards, Laptop Computers, Modems, Monitors, Palm Tops, Printers, Scanners, Single Line Phones, Used Televisions, VCR, Video Cameras


CPRC no of stars 0 Review
70 Pleasant Hill Road
United States United States
Phone : (207) 883-3325
Fax : +1-905-4829864

CPRC Group help our customers save money and conserve natural resources. We do this by assisting businesses and municipalities in converting commercial and residential waste into usable products.

We offer innovative technologies and high quality services:
       * We accept waste materials
       * we sell converted products
       * we sell virgin materials

For more than 60 years, CPRC Group, the parent company of Commercial Paving & Recycling, Co., LLC has worked with customers throughout Maine and New England – partnering with both the public sector and private companies.

Today, the proprietary technologies and services we offer help our customers save money while they conserve natural resources. As part of our mission of environmental stewardship, we convert waste & debris into road base, paving, landscaping and resurfacing products. We also offer a variety of road construction services.

We are engaged in purchase and sale of plastic raw materials and plastic regrind. With guaranteed quality, our plastic regrind will reduce your cost and increase profit. We are also engaged in purchase and sale of all electronic materials, which included Computers and all peripherals; example, processors, keyboards, mice, speakers and cables. With guaranteed supports, we will ensure what you need. Purchasing and selling of plastic raw materials and plastic regrind, and also electronic equipments, which includes computers & all peripherals, Laptop computers, computer monitors, printers & fax machines, Copiers & scanners, VCRs and DVD players, power cords & cables and etc. We purchase and sale all kinds of plastic raw materials and plastic regrind, which include PET, ABS, PS, PE, PP, HDPE, LDPE and etc. We purchase and sale all kinds of electronic equipments, which include computers & all peripherals, Laptop computers, computer monitors, printers & fax machines, Copiers & scanners, VCRs and DVD players, power cords & cables and etc.


Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Saturday & Sunday: By Appointment Only

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