Items we sell

General General scrapLight Truck Tires, Oversized Tires, Passenger Cars, Passenger Tires, Sheet Iron, Shredded Tires, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans

China Imports Products & Services

China Imports Products & Services no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Rodney Adderley
Prince Charles Drive
Nassau Bahamas-EE-17017
Bahamas Bahamas
Phone : +242-364-9470
Fax : +242-341-3430

We have and can arranged the sale of 5000-10,000 automobiles as scrap metals. Our company china Imports imports products from China to Bahamas for our various clents, also we seek to export scrap metal to a good qualified company in china or the far east. We have small offices in Bahamas, Los Angeles and Yiwu china to assit with our businesses.

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