Items we sell

General General scrapConstruction and Demolition Debris, Passenger Cars, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Trucks, Used Vans

Items we buy

General General scrapConstruction and Demolition Debris, Passenger Cars, Sheet Iron, Used Buses, Used Trucks, Used Vans

Dada Tous Inc.

Dada Tous Inc. no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Joaquin Izquierdo
Arzuaga #5 Suite 517
San Juan-00925
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Phone : +1-787-5028676

Our company process and sell HMS 1/2, Car scraps body, car engines, transmission, machine and equipment scraps as well washer, dryers, fridge, etc. If you are interested please feel free to contact us.

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