Items we sell

General General scrapAluminum Foil, Beverage Can,Cooking Oil and Grease, Glass Bottles, Minerals, Passenger Cars, Shredded Tires, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, HMS1&2?Used rail
Paper General scrapMagazines and Catalogs, Newspaper, Paper Shopping Bag, White Office Paper
Plastic General scrapOld Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bottle
Electronics General scrapCD and DVD, Cellular Phones, Desktop Computers, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Modems, Printers, Scanners, Used Televisions

Ggic Hesmoms Scrapafric

Ggic Hesmoms Scrapafric no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Emma Morris
United States United States
Phone : +237-237-94122886

We are an asociation of scrap collectors and we just found good scrap markets in Africa and we are exploiting them.Scrap is niether recycled nor sold in africa so over there we by at give away prices and we ar looking for serious buyer.We have all types of scrap :HMS1&2,used rail,e-scrap,glass bottle,plastic for detail

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