Items we buy

General General scrapAluminum Foil,Beverage Can ,Chemical,Cooking Oil and Grease,Food and Beverage Cans ,Minerals,Oils and Petrochemical,Precious Metals,Textiles,Copper
Paper General scrapPaper Boxes

Glogal Market

Glogal Market no of stars 0 Review
Aziz Mohamed
10220 Babcock hill rd.
Kenya Kenya
Phone : +254+25478185608560

Global Market is the leading platform for global wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world.
Through Global Manufacturers, businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries.
Suppliers (or exporters) post company information and product information (together with photos, descriptions, specifications, shipping terms, etc.) on Global Manufacturers.
Buyers (or importers) search and browse supplier's products and then make inquiries to negotiate or place orders.

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