Items we sell

General General scrapPumps, AC Motors,Valves, Fittings, Meters,Motors, Monitors, Drives,Pump filters,Chemical Pumps,Solvent Pumps, Sewage Pumps,Base Plate,Fabricated Suction Strainers,Micron Cups

Sell Offers by JH Process Equip

JH Process Equip

JH Process Equip no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Jim Huntsman
617 jeffers circle
United States United States
Phone : 610-903-0900

JH Process Equip is more than 20 years, our customers have come to us not only for our wide range of products, but also for help in solving complex application problems. They know we look at each application and recommend what's best for them-- even if it's something that we don't sell. They depend on us to help them with the right selection and to answer their questions.Building strong relationships with customers is our hallmark. It's something we've earned through exceptional customer service. Our on-site support includes industrial pump and filtration seminars and product training to keep maintenance people up to date. Our lifetime service assistance policy, attention to detail, and quick response to problems with same day emergency service gives customers confidence that they've made the right choice.Used industrial process equipment distributor. We sell used and new pumps, filters, tanks, flowmeters. We have exotic alloyed scrap equipment for sale when it is no longer feasible to repair it.

Chemical Pumps, Solvent Pumps, Sewage Pumps

Pump filters, housings, cartridges, & bags

JH Process can supply motors suitable for any condition or service including UI listed explosive proof, chemical duty, totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC), open drip proof (ODP) as well as air and nitrogen powered motors. We can provide standard and international voltages including 12 & 24 volt DC, single and three phase variables frequency drives (VFD) and motor load monitors.

JH Process Equipment has been providing solutions to customers industrial filtration equipment needs for over 22 years. With a broad base of filtration experience and an extensive product line we can supply any requirement from straining large particles to sub micron membrane cartridges.

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