Items we buy

General General scrapBatteries, Lead, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, Zinc, Copper
Paper General scrapBooks,Envelope, Cardboards, Computer Paper, Magazines and Catalogs, Newspaper, Paper Boxes, Stationary Containers, White Office Paper
Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Cans
Electronics General scrapDesktop Computers, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Laptop Computers, Monitors, Printers

Jangan Junk Shop

Jangan Junk Shop no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Reynaldo M. Marticio
81 Dr. A Santos Ave. Sucat Rd. Paranaque City
Philippines Philippines
Phone : +63-02-9869487
Fax : +63-02-8260292

We buy all kinds of Scrap, from scrap metal, steel iron, used Air-condition, scrap used cars, paper scrap, aluminum, etc....

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