Items we sell

General General scrapBatteries, Lead, Passenger Cars, Precious Metals, Steel and Tin, Wooden Pallet,Copper

Items we buy

General General scrapAirplane Tires,Batteries, Brass and Bronze, Construction and Demolition Debris, Exotic Metals, Heavy Truck Tires, Lead, Light Truck Tires, Oversized Tires, Passenger Cars, Passenger Tires, Rubber Tubes, Sheet Iron, Shredded Tires, Steel and Tin

Sell Offers by Knik Scrap Metal Recycling

Knik Scrap Metal Recycling

Knik Scrap Metal Recycling no of stars 0 Review
Mr.Bill Kendig
Po Box 873785
United States United States
Phone : +907-841-8291
Fax : +907-373-2349

Crushed Cars scrap metal Shredded Tires all over the state of Alaska. We are buyers and sellers of scrap. We can pick up. We offer free drop off anchorage mat-valley Fairbanks Kenai.

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