Items we sell

General General scrapAluminum Foil, Beverage Can, Heavy Truck Tires, Precious Metals, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, Zinc, Copper, Copper, cast iron
Plastic General scrapPlastic Bins, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers, Plastic Poly Bags

Items we buy

General General scrapAluminum Foil,Exotic Metals, Beverage Can, Heavy Truck Tires, Precious Metals, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, Zinc, Copper, Copper, cast iron
Plastic General scrapOld Cable or Old Cordage,Plastic Machine Parts, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers, Plastic Poly Bags

Parado Junk Yard

Parado Junk Yard no of stars 0 Review
207 Chantelle Laneangeles City, Pampanga
Philippines Philippines
Phone : +63-923 -509 3457

Parado Junk Yard 207 Chantelle Lane Angeles City, Pampanga Tell +63 923 509 3457 Waste Materials In Stock For Sale Direct Buyer Wanted , Avelable In Tons Metal Scrap Aluminium Scrap Copper Scrap Iron Scrap Steel Scrap, Plastic Scrap Pvc Plastic Scrap Pet Bottle Plastic Scrap Industrial Metal Scrap Heavy Aluminium Scrap Aluminium Casting Scrap Waste Copper Scrap Copper Wire Scrap Copper Alloy Scrap Cast Iron Scrap, Heavy Iron Scraps Stainless Steel Scraps We Promise To Meet Your Needs Thank Mr Parador Junk Yard Owne

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