Items we sell

General General scrapAluminum Foil,Brass and Bronze, Chemical, Construction and Demolition Debris, Cooking Oil and Grease, Oils and Petrochemical, Precious Metals, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Copper
Electronics General scrapModems

Items we buy

General General scrapAluminum Foil, Chemical, Construction and Demolition Debris, Cooking Oil and Grease, Oils and Petrochemical, Precious Metals, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Copper

Portfolio Property Invest

Portfolio Property Invest no of stars 0 Review
Philips Street, Califonia
Woodland Hills-10009
United States United States
Phone : +1-908-6270486
Fax : +1-908-4541983

we are buying chemical waste and used oil, hms 1/2, used rails scraps, aluminum products, copper cathod in large quantity from any part of the world

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