Items we sell

General General scrap Brass and Bronze, Glass Bottles, Lead, Leather, Nickel and Cobalt, Sheet Iron, Used Motor Cycles, Used Vans, Copper
Plastic General scrap Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Covers, Plastic Newspaper, Bags, Plastic Poly Bags, Plastic Zipper Bags
Electronics General scrap Cellular Phones, Commercial Radio, Desktop Computers, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Laptop Computers, Modems, Multiline Phones, Palm Tops, Printers, Remote Control, Satellite TV, Single Line Phones, Used Televisions, VCR, Video Cameras

Items we buy

General General scrapBatteries, Brass and Bronze, Glass Bottles, Lead, Leather, Nickel and Cobalt, Sheet Iron, Used Motor Cycles, Used Vans, Copper
Paper General scrapCardboards
Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs,Plastic Machine Parts, Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Covers, Plastic Newspaper, Bags, Plastic Poly Bags, Plastic Zipper Bags
Electronics General scrapCD and DVD,Scanners, Cellular Phones, Commercial Radio, Desktop Computers, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Laptop Computers, Modems, Multiline Phones, Palm Tops, Printers, Remote Control, Satellite TV, Single Line Phones, Used Televisions, VCR, Video Cameras

Qualty Liquidation Aaset Recovery

Qualty Liquidation Aaset Recovery no of stars 0 Review
15 Langen
Fair Lawn-07410
United States United States
Phone : +1-201 -924-0897

We boy amd sell electronic scrap and also computer scrap. We are a big buyer of White or Black Plastic

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