Items we sell

General General scrapAluminum Foil, Leather, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Auto parts, Used Automotive Oil
Electronics General scrapMonitors, Remote Control, Video Cameras, Walkie Talkie

Items we buy

General General scrapAluminum Foil, Leather, Magnesium, Minerals, Nickel and Cobalt, Sheet Iron, Steel and Tin, Used Buses, Used Trucks, Used Vans

Sonika Enterprises

Sonika Enterprises no of stars 0 Review
Mr.V S N Moturi
83 Croether Road
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Phone : +44-79313-35986
Fax : +44-1902-686515

We buy and sell iron scrap metals through the world based in united kingdom, mostly to India and Asia. We are planning to deal with health related products.

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