Items we sell

General General scrapAluminum Foil,Brass and Bronze,Airplane Tires, Batteries, Beverage Can, Chemical, Construction and Demolition Debris, Cooking Oil and Grease, Cooking Utensil, Exotic Metals, Food and Beverage Cans, Glass Windows, Granulate Rubber, Heavy Truck Tires, Lead, Leather, Light Bulb, Light Truck Tires, Lumber and Wood, Magnesium, Minerals, Nickel and Cobalt, Oils and Petrochemical, Oversized Tires, Passenger Cars, Passenger Tires, Pie Plate, Rubber Tubes, Sheet Iron, Shredded Tires, Steel and Tin, Textiles, Used Auto parts, Used Automotive Oil, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, Used Wooden Furniture, Waste Wood, Wooden Pallet, Copper
Paper General scrapStationary Containers, Cardboards, Computer Paper, Legal Pads, Magazines and Catalogs, Newspaper, Paper Bag, Paper Boxes, Paper Shopping Bag, Stationary Containers, White Office Paper
Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs,Plastic Machine Parts, Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers, Plastic Newspaper, Bags, Plastic Poly Bags, Plastic Zipper Bags

Items we buy

General General scrapAluminum Foil,Brass and Bronze,Glass Bottles,Precious Metals,Zinc,Airplane Tires, Batteries, Beverage Can, Chemical, Construction and Demolition Debris, Cooking Oil and Grease, Cooking Utensil, Exotic Metals, Food and Beverage Cans, Glass Windows, Granulate Rubber, Heavy Truck Tires, Lead, Leather, Light Bulb, Light Truck Tires, Lumber and Wood, Magnesium, Minerals, Nickel and Cobalt, Oils and Petrochemical, Oversized Tires, Passenger Cars, Passenger Tires, Pie Plate, Rubber Tubes, Sheet Iron, Shredded Tires, Steel and Tin, Textiles, Used Auto parts, Used Automotive Oil, Used Buses, Used Motor Cycles, Used Trucks, Used Vans, Used Wooden Furniture, Waste Wood, Wooden Pallet, Copper
Paper General scrapBooks,Envelope, Cardboards, Computer Paper, Legal Pads, Magazines and Catalogs, Newspaper, Paper Bag, Paper Boxes, Paper Shopping Bag, Stationary Containers, White Office Paper
Plastic General scrapMilk and Water Jugs,Plastic Machine Parts, Old Cable or Old Cordage, Plastic Bins, Plastic Bottle, Plastic Bubble Bags, Plastic Cans, Plastic Canvas, Plastic Covers, Plastic Newspaper, Bags, Plastic Poly Bags, Plastic Zipper Bags


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Mr.Mansoor Abbas
728, 7th Floor, Al-Hafeez Shopping Mall, Main Blvd Gulberg-Iii
Pakistan Pakistan
Phone : +92-42-35779467

TechnoHub mainly import Copper scrap, Steel, PVC plastic, Wires of telephone and Electricity containing aluminum and copper wires in side. Scrap of aluminum strips, wires or radial of tires comprising aluminum. We highly appreciated if you please contact us for more of your inquires and offers.

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